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    FREE Personalized Nutrition Guide

    With Xmas and New Year’s approaching fast, this is the time for us to celebrate our achivements over the last twelve month and spend some cosy days with our loved one’s. Unfortunately, this too is the time of the year, were most of us put our nutrition goals aside and give in to the temptation of feasting on delicious foods and drinks. Research shows that the extra pounds we put on during this time of the year are likely to stay there for quite some time. For a lot of people they are just accumulating slowly but steadily year on year. I’d like to help you get over the holidays…

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    How balance can impact your gut health

    Have you tried everything possible to get rid of your gut disturbances but the issues are still there? Maybe you just have a compromised vestibular system. Gut health and inner ear function are closely related and in this blog I will explain why. Gut disturbance symptoms like gas, bloating, indigestion, pain, abdominal cramping or increased levels of inflammation are very common in Western societies characterized by hectic lifestyle, lack of movement and poor dietary choices. Most functional medicine practitioners nowadays will start pinning down the root cause for your gut issues by looking at your diet and microbiome and include other lifestyle factors like stress, sleep, etc. While the typically…

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    Your Kitchen Is The Cure

    We are the first generation to spend more time watching cooking shows on TV than actually cooking in the kitchen. With devastating consequences for our health. The WHO estimates that the number of overweight and obese men in Germany will rise to almost 90% by 2030 (with the number for women being not much better at 77%). Many already find it difficult to prepare a healthy meal for themselves. They simply don’t know how! In addition, even in supermarkets they have difficulties distinguishing healthy from unhealthy products, let alone deciphering the food labels. There are now more than 60 different names for sugar alone (most end in -ose). But how…

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    Today I want to share with you the content of an email I received from the people behind Awakening from Alzheimer’s and their cutting-edge docu-series Regain Your Brain. I strongly recommend you watch this mindblowing series about the latest research on brain health. Some of the 14 experts from the docu-series successfully applied the latest cutting-edge research to develop nutritional protocols for their clients that not only manage to prevent, slow down or stop the signs of Alzheimer’s, but in hundreds of cases even reversed the disease. Maybe you have heard already about the importance of the Gut-Brain-Connection via the vagus nerve, or the gut being called our Second Brain…

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    Easy, customizable recipes the whole family will love! Many families struggle with finding the time to spend with one another in a fulfilling and meaningful way, especially as kids get older. But everyone’s got to eat, right? Eating as a family is a wonderful way to spend quality time together, and getting kids involved in the process helps make mealtimes much more enjoyable. Imagine, if you could make nutritious and easy family meals that everyone will love – without complaints, struggles or spending hours in the kitchen? Join me for a delicious culinary nutrition experience, where you’ll discover how to make a variety of kid-approved, family-friendly recipes, as well as…

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    Gewinne ein Jahr Online Nutrition Coaching

    Sei bei einem meiner Workshops und Kochkursen bis Ende diesen Jahres als Teilnehmer dabei und mit etwas Glück kannst Du für ein ganzes Jahr mein Online Nutrition Coaching mit der Precision Nutrition ProCoach App im Wert von € 1290 gewinnen. Dies gilt für alle Teilnehmer an den folgenden Workshops / Kochkursen: Kochkurs Meal Prep Made Easy, Mittwoch, 02. Oktober 2019 von 18:00 -21:00 Workshop Fearless Fermentation, Mittwoch, 23. Oktober 2019 von 19:30 – 21:30 Workshop Anti-Inflammatory, Mittwoch 13. November 2019 von 19:30 – 21:30 Kochkurs Family Favourites, Mittwoch 04. Dezember 2019 von 19:00 – 22:00 Der glückliche Gewinner wird direkt im Anschluß bei meinem Kochkurs am 04. Dezember ermittelt. Alle…

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    INSPIRED ANTI-INFLAMMATORY EATING Banish inflammation with delicious food! Inflammation is an epidemic. Learn everything about the risks of silent inflammation for your body and brain, which foods to avoid and the top inflammtion killing foods available to us.

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    Learn the basics of making great-tasting, easy ferments! Fermented foods are beneficial to our health, yet can be intimidating to make at home. While there is a degree of unpredictability with fermentation, once you get the hang of it, there is so much possibility with seasonal ingredients and local flavours. Discover simple tricks and key techniques that will yield successful ferments and help you save money in the process. Join me for an exquisite culinary nutrition experience, where you’ll learn how to make a variety of tasty ferments. All of the recipes are probiotic, gluten-free, dairy-free and utterly delicious! You’ll walk away from this workshop with: 5 recipes for basic…

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    Fresh vegetables not only contain many vitamins and minerals, but also valuable health-promoting secondary plant substances such as sulforaphane. You can find sulforaphane mainly in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cress, radishes and rocket. Sulforaphane is not only anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and a powerful antioxidant, but is also successfully used in fighting obesity, osteoarthritis, autism, asthma and hay fever, diabetes type 2, aging processes and (proven by recent studies) in cancer therapy and against neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Sulforaphane, however, is not directly contained in its active form in broccoli & Co., but must first be activated by the enzyme myrosinase from the inactive form glucoraphanin. This…

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    Finally the waiting is over. After a long time searching I’ve found the perfect location for my workshops / cooking classes in culinary nutrition. As of beginning of October I’ll host regular workshops in the Messer Event Lounge in the historic train station in Bad Soden. All workshops / cooking classes can accomodate up to 16 participants in a luxurious show kitchen setting and are a great way to spend quality time with family and/or friends or meet new friends. Please join me on October 2nd, 2019, for a 3-hour hands-on cooking class with full menu. MEAL PREP MADE EASY Discover the simple tricks to planning for healthy eating! It’s…