
My coaching philosophy is very simple: it’s all about YOU! Based on your vision and your goals, we will work closely as a team and develop a customized game plan that will make it easy for you to succeed on your journey to get into the best shape of your life, for the rest of your life. By simply making small and slow changes, progress is a guarantee!

YOUR vision
YOUR goals
YOUR journey

OUR game plan

HOW we eat is as (if not more) important than WHAT we eat. Eating healthy isn‘t about counting calories or knowing how to cook. Eating healthy is about having a VISION, MAKING TIME for yourself and applying small simple changes, one step at a time. Then repeating them until they become autonomous HABITS. It does require for you to put some work into it, but it’s easier than you think. Promised. And don’t worry, you don’t have to do this alone, I‘d be thrilled to guide and assist you with objectivity and accountability as you embark on your journey to create the best version of yourself and reach your goals.

Let’s do this together! One step at a time!

Choose between my Personal Nutrition coaching or my Online Nutrition coaching via the ProCoach App. All my coachings are within the limits of preventive health care and health promotion. Please press the buttons below for more detailed information. For corporates, organizations or private groups, I do offer customized talks on specific areas of nutrition. Please contact me for a quote.